2014 Season

Track season begins March 1 and continues until the end of May. This season there are four practice meets during the regular season. These meets are intended to provide competitive opportunities to improve performance and for athletes and to obtain qualifying times and scores for the finals.

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Region 17 Championship Parking

All parents & Coaches, please do not to park west of the stadium – Specifically; Penn St, Plum Ally, N. Adams St, Biddle St, anywhere near borough hall/police station!!!   

All parking should be east of the stadium: 
  • Henderson student parking lot where the tennis courts and all-purpose turf fields are (350 spaces)
  • The parking lot immediately adjacent to the track (75 spaces)
  • Parking overlooking the facility (25 spaces)
  • Faculty parking spaces on the east and west sides of the building (55 spaces)
  • Parking along E. Washington St. where there's a small factory on the corner of E. Washington & Montgomery Ave (50 spaces) 
  • Further up E. Washington (50 spaces) where there's a former physical therapy building. 
  • Spaces are also available along Chestnut St between Penn St. and Montgomery Ave (40 spaces). 

Anybody who parks west of the school in the Hospice parking lot or the Metropolitan Apartments parking lot will be towed without warning!

Archdiocesan Track & Field Regional Championship Meet Race Schedule - Sunday May 4th - Henderson High School

Event Age Group Time

Age Group


4X 200m  Relay
Novice (Girls/Boys)
1:00 PM
Minor (Girls/Boys)
1:20 PM
Cadet (Girls/Boys)
1:40 PM
4X800m Open Relay
Open Girls
2:00 PM
Open Boys
2:15 PM
100m Trials
Novice (Girls/Boys)
2:30 PM

Pee Wees (Back Track)

Minor (Girls/Boys)
2:40 PM
Cadet (Girls/Boys)
2:50 PM
Novice (Girls/Boys)
2:55 PM
Minor (Girls/Boys)
3:20 PM
Cadet (Girls/Boys)
3:40 PM
Novice (Girls/Boys)
3:45 PM
Minor (Girls/Boys)
3:55 PM
Cadet (Girls/Boys)
4:10 PM
4X 100m Relay
Novice (Girls/Boys)
4:30 PM
Minor (Girls/Boys)
4:40 PM
Cadet (Girls/Boys)
4:50 PM
100m Finals
All Age Groups
5:00 PM
Novice (Girls/Boys)
5:10 PM
Minor (Girls/Boys)
5:25 PM
Cadet (Girls/Boys)
5:35 PM
Novice (Girls/Boys)
5:45 PM
Minor (Girls/Boys)
5:55 PM
Cadet (Girls/Boys)
6:05 PM
4X 400m Open Relay
Open Girls
6:15 PM
Open Boys
6:20 PM

Field Event Schedule

High Jump
Long Jump
Shot Put
Triple Jump
Novice Girls
4:00 PM
2:15 PM
1:30 PM

Novice Boys
4:00 PM
2:15 PM
1:30 PM

Minor Girls
1:00 PM
3:30 PM
2:30 PM

Minor Boys
1:00 PM
3:30 PM
2:30 PM

Cadet Girls
2:30 PM
1:00 PM
3:30 PM
5:00 PM

Cadet Boys
2:30 PM
1:00 PM
3:30 PM
5:00 PM

Regional Championships Update from Email

Field Events:

If a field event conflicts with a running event that an athlete is running, the running event takes priority.  I would like to keep the disruption to the field events to a minimum, however if there is a conflict, the athlete or one of the team coaches should check that athlete in at the field event.  I will ensure that EVERY athlete has the opportunity to do their field event in the case of an event conflict.  All I ask is that the people running the event know that athlete will be coming over.  I am also allowing a 10 minute break period for that athlete.  If an athlete runs the 400 Meter race, I do not want them running over to the field event and being rushed.  I would prefer to give them time to get over the race, and switch mentally to the field event.

 Long Jump / Triple Jump – There is only one long jump pit at Henderson.  This is going to work against us for time.  We need to keep the events moving at a steady pace, so I will be loading the Long Jump pit up with support. 


We are going to hand out them out the same way we did last year.  Medals will be on the infield again.  Only one person from each team (other than a coach) is authorized to pick-up the medals.  Medals will NOT be given out to athletes.  Colleen will be in charge of this task again this year, and like last year each team will have their own bin with the medals in them.  Please give us at least 30 minutes after an event before collecting medals.

Last year we made everyone sign for the medals, but it really held things up.  I am inclined to not do signatures this year as long as your team representative makes sure that they check the medals before leaving with them.

The infield is off limits to anybody who is not volunteering or managing an event.  ONLY athletes whose events have been called should be on the infield.  You should also remember that this is the last meet where you will be allowed on the infield.  After Regionals, you must coach from outside the fences.  Newer coaches who have not done this before might want to try coaching a few events away from the infield.


Vince from Kennett Timing is back with us again, so we are in good hands.  We need Vince concentrating on timing the meet, so if there are any issues, they must be brought to the clerks on the field.  In the event of a big issue, just come to me, we will work it out.  Make sure that all coaches, and volunteers stay clear of the timing camera.  It needs a direct line of site to the finish line.

Hip Numbers:

This year hip numbers will be put together by heat on the day of the race.  I am going to need all clerking volunteers at around 12:15 p.m. to put the packets together.  I know we usually go into race day with them pre-packaged, but not this year.  This is not a big deal, we should be able to knock them out quickly.  I am only mentioning it to hammer home the need for clerks to arrive prior to the meet.

Field Judges: This has changed since my 4/29 email to coaches:

Henderson HS Track Team will be providing 2 zone athletes per zone as judges.  These judges are only there to watch hand-offs at the front and back of each zone.  It will be our volunteers job to get the athletes on the track in preparation of the race and hand-offs.

Meet Director:

Our coaches / volunteer meeting will begin promptly at 12:30 p.m.  We will call the first race at 12:45 p.m. along with the field events.  The National Anthem and Prayer will be at 12:55 p.m., and we will begin the Meet at 1:00 PM.  We will keep the paddock area full of upcoming races, and have a pre-staging area for the paddock as well for upcoming races.  We must clear the finish line quickly to get the next race under way.  I have included a rough schedule of events, however we will hopefully be running ahead of schedule.  Our Meet pace supersedes the schedule, and it is there merely as a guide.

We will not have the large PA system, but a portable system instead.  It is important that coaches and athletes pay attention to where we are with the list of events, and be prepared to participate when your event is called.


We still have about 30 open volunteer slots on the sign-up genius.  If you have not already picked your volunteer positions, please log onto the Sign-up Genius site and pick the assignments you would like your team to handle.  I am leaving the Sign-up open thru Thursday afternoon.  Thursday night I will assign the empty spots to individual teams.  You will need to make sure that you have volunteers ready for the day of the meet.  I will send another note out about volunteers on Friday afternoon.  We will need our volunteers ready to leave the coaches meeting, and get into place for the 4X200 relay race, as well as the field events.

Monday, April 21, 2014

Region 17 Championship Meet

A SignUp Genius account has been created for our May 4th Regional Championship Meet at Henderson High School.

Please pass along to parents asking for volunteers.  Feel free to reserve several spots under one name by school / coach, and be please be prepared to let me know your volunteers are 3 days before the event.

SignUp Genius Volunteer Link

Archdiocese CYO Region 17 Track & Field Finals Registration

We are working with a company called Direct Athletics to automate the registration process.  Thank you to Vince for making me aware of this service.  This will eliminate the need for me to duplicate your efforts, and reduce the number of data entry errors that we experienced last year. 

Ok, the site it pretty intuitive, so it will be pretty easy to get your teams up there.

I have attached a PDF with the instructions, but I am going to walk you through the initial steps to get to the Regional Race:

1.       Go to www.directathletics.com
2.       Click on clip-board picture of “I am a COACH or MEET DIRECTOR”
3.       Click on Create Coach Account
a.       Fill out the following:
                                                               i.      Email: Your email address
                                                             ii.      Sport:  Choose Track & Field
                                                            iii.      Team Type: Middle School / Junior High / Elementary
                                                           iv.      State: Pennsylvania
                                                             v.      Country:  United States
4.       Next you need to create your team account.  I am not going to walk you through all of that, it is simple biographical information, and pretty standard.  I will caution you on 3 things listed below:
a.       Team Name: Use your schools name the way you want it shown in results.  Full team names are preferred over simply initials. Example, Use Pope John Paul II instead of PJPII. 
b.      Team Gender:  You MUST choose “Men and Women”.  Unless you are Villa.  Villa will obviously choose “Women”
c.       Meets:  The drop down for the Meets Tab is extensive.  Scroll down the list to May 4th, and choose the ARCHDIOCESE OF PHILADELPHIA CYO REGION 17 CHAMPIONSHIP MEET.  You will notice that Region 10 is also using this for their meet.  DO NOT choose the Region 10 Meet, choose the REGION 17 Meet. 
5.       Next step is to set your on-line roster.  From this point forward I will have you follow the below link with a PDF File for instructions. I felt the instructions were vague getting you to this point, so I wanted to make things easy for you.

Coach’s Tip:  There is a deadline on this.  Be aware of it.  All data MUST be completed by Wednesday April 30, 2014 at 6:00 PM.  Registration of Direct Athletics closes, and entries after this date are not accepted.  Vince will download the data on April 30, and what is in there is the final.  Here is my tip:  DO NOT wait to get your roster loaded.  Log in this weekend, set-up your account, and get your team listed.  That is 80% of the work.  Once your team is listed, you will assign them to events, and enter seed times.  You will be able to change any data while the site is live.  Nothing is set in stone until registration closes!!!!!

You will find all of the events listed by the standard Novice, Minor, & Cadet.

Relays:  Another thing to keep in mind.  The AD CYO T&F Committee has given us 4 Alternates for ALL relay events.  Use all 4 spots.  Once this is downloaded it CAN NOT / WILL NOT change.  This is the team and alternates that will be qualified all the way through Championships.  No substitutions at any time once it has been downloaded.  REMEMBER:  Open Relays MUST have at least one Novice and one Minor Runner.  Plan for this in your 4 alternates.  Example: If you do not list a Novice Alt, and your novice runner drops out for any reason, you no longer have a qualified team.

Saturday, March 29, 2014

Practice Meet #2 - Sunday March 30, 2014 - Cancelled

Practice Meet #2 has been cancelled due to the forecast of rain and heavy winds.

Sorry for any inconvenience, and we look forward to seeing everyone in Week 3.

Friday, March 28, 2014

Practice Meet Week 1 Results

Results for Practice Meet 1 have been uploaded to the blog, and can be found on the right side of the blog under the links window.

We are still waiting for the Field Results from the Malvern Prep event.  I will have them uploaded once they are updated and submitted.